Saturday, September 9, 2017

How To Integrate Bootstrap Into Blogger

Integrating Bootstrap Into Blogger

By: InTheWhaleGaming


Welcome to my first Tutorial! Today I am going to talk to you guys about how I got bootstrap to work in my blogger webpage. We are going to go over it in steps. Through Step 1-10 I am able to explain how to get bootstrap to work in a blogger instance fairly simply. Then you are able to work forward and add things such as a custom navbar and a carousel (Which I will explain in later tutorials). What you will need is a computer, access to the internet, a blogger account, NetBeans (what I use, you can use coffee cup software to notepad to the default editor in the website), and your brain. Overall, this tutorial is to provide a better understanding on how to implement bootstrap with blogger. 


Step 1: Search bootstrap in google to find it and at least learn more about it if you have not already (or go here).  Step 2: Find the CDN links and copy and paste them into notepad. Step 3: Find the jQuery CDN, I use uncompressed, here. Then copy and paste in into notepad as well. Step 4: Open up your blogger developers page, go to theme and in the top right corner there is Backup / Restore. Click that and download your theme. Then rename it what ever you want and save it where you want. Step 5: Open up your HTML/CSS editor and open up the theme with it, then directly under the <head> put what you copied into the notepad and paste it there. Then you are done! *Note, make sure the jQuery comes before the javascript CDN link, otherwise it won't load in and work properly.*


<link crossorigin='anonymous' href='' integrity='sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u' rel='stylesheet'/>

<link crossorigin='anonymous' href='' integrity='sha384-rHyoN1iRsVXV4nD0JutlnGaslCJuC7uwjduW9SVrLvRYooPp2bWYgmgJQIXwl/Sp' rel='stylesheet'/>

 <script crossorigin='anonymous' integrity='sha256-DZAnKJ/6XZ9si04Hgrsxu/8s717jcIzLy3oi35EouyE=' src=''/>  
<script crossorigin='anonymous' integrity='sha384-Tc5IQib027qvyjSMfHjOMaLkfuWVxZxUPnCJA7l2mCWNIpG9mGCD8wGNIcPD7Txa' src=''/>


Overall, coding can be a daunting task. Fortunately, with Bootstrap it is not as bad. CSS is basically taken out of the equation except for some basic page alignment things if even at that. Html, CSS, and JavaScript are essential for website design and are, in my opinion, the founding fathers of websites. In this tutorial we went over the steps for how to add Bootstrap to Blogger.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Star Wars Royal Guard Lore (Fiction)

The Emperor's Royal Guard

By: InTheWhaleGaming (aka Dominus or the ex Commander of the RG at the Undead severs in Garry's mod)


In my findings of lore in the Royal Guard in the past, I would say eight months to a year, I have found a lot of interesting topics that I would like to dive into here today. First, The divisions of the Royal Guard and how they were categorized both by the actual Royal Guard itself and all its sub regiments of the Guards of the Emperor. Next we will touch base on the equipment of the Royal Guards and each Sub Regiment of the Guards of the Emperor. Furthermore, we will get into greater detail of the missions and guarding duties of each of the guard types. Lastly, we will go over the history of each of the guard types.


The divisions of the Royal Guard fell (from lowest to highest), Royal Guards, Shadow Guards, Sovereign Protectors, Saber Guards, the Imperial Senate Guards, and finally the Imperial Senate Sentinels (reference)

To show you the grades of the guards that where used in the Garry's mod server that I was in, you can find them here. For the other ones, they are listed bellow:

The Imperial Senate Guards ranks/grades are hard to find. I searched among Google for a while and it came up null. I would assume that they are the same as the Royal Guards (I would just make them up for RP purposes, like we did for Shadow Guards and Saber Guards if you don't want to keep them the same as Royal Guards).

The Imperial Senate Sentinels ranks/grades where also hard to find. I looked on Google and it came up negative. (For RP purposes I would just come up with them myself as well)


The Royal Guards (reference2) were equipped with force pikes, T-21(b) rifles, helmets, and crimson red robes.
The Shadow Guards (reference3were equipped with lightsaber pike's, a heavy blaster pistol, a medpac, full body armor, black robes, and a red visor.
The Sovereign Protectors (reference4) were equipped with a heavy blaster pistol, a double vibroblade, and a black chest plate and helmet.
The Saber Guards (reference5) were equipped with dual lightsabers that emitted red-colored blades (red crystals).
The  Imperial Senate Guard (reference6were equipped with a cortosis staff and a personal energy shield.
The Imperial Senate Sentinels (reference7were equipped with powerful force pikes and helmets.


The Royal Guards were used as the primary force of guarding Emperor Palpatine and also partook in investigation missions and assassinations of targets. The Shadow Guards where not only Emperor Palpatine's guards, but also Darth Vader's personal guards. They were also sent on assassination missions. The Sovereign Protectors flew red tie interceptors for the Emperor and guarded temples and monasteries. Saber Guards were trained on Kamino, unlike the other guards, and they were strong enough to be paired next to the soldiers in the Acolyte program. The Imperial Senate Guard served the senators of the Empire. However, their true purpose was to make sure the senators were not plotting against the Emperor. They also guarded important installations and hunted force sensitives. Lastly, the Imperial Senate Sentinels were tasked with guarding the Jedi Temple(s) and making sure there were no survivors and killing anyone who tried to enter without clearance.


The Royal Guards were originally known as the "Red Guards" and they were formed by Sheev Palpatine. They were first made up during the clone wars for trust purposes, not for elite status. Most of the Sun Guard were assassinated and the remainder were placed in the Shadow Guard. Also it was thought that corrupt Jedi were placed in the ranks in later years. Sovereign Protectors Guarded Many places over the years and Carnor Jax tried to overthrow the Emperor after acquiring the rank in 11 ABY. Saber Guards were there when Starkiller tried to over through Darth Vader and he tried to take Kamino and the cloning facilities. Imperial Senate Guards were on a mission to capture the Jedi Rham Kota. They were then killed by Starkiller. The Imperial Senate Sentinels were there to guard the Jedi temple from rogue Jedi that might come back to the temple. 


All in all, the regiment of the Royal Guard is broken up into many variants and to explain them all in one place felt very important to me so I decided that I would. Therefore I finally did. I went over the types, the equipment, their duties, and the history of the Royal Guard. Without this post, I feel that there would be nothing to bind all the types together except one video. Therefore, I have put more "glue" out in the playing field, so to speak.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Beginnings of The Rapture| Vol. 1: Part 1| The Hospitality(fiction)

The Hospitality:

By: InTheWhaleGaming

In the begging, there was myself, me and I. Or so I thought. I was matter and she was everything. She was the one and only thing. She was it, she was everywhere. Up, down, left, right, back, and forth. To the end of the world and to the heavens. It was God and I was matter. That's all that mattered to me. Until the day that I forgot everything.

The year was 2016 and it was late March. It was a bleak and chilly evening I woke up next to an Egyptian cotton pillow, curled up with Egyptian cotton blanket to a blurry light shinning into the doors window. I thought to myself, where am I? As the light quickly faded away. I tried to get up but I was tired and sore. So, as the light dimmed and faded, my eye's began to close and sag as they rolled back into my head.

Early April 2016. Let me really begin by telling you what I DO remember. I was just an average student at the prime age of 18, going to college. Majoring in Nursing. I was working at a local Wendy's fast food restaurant. I was dating this really attractive girl that was just six months older than me and went by the name of Marr. We met in high school and she was smart, sexy and as into me as I was into her. Those where the most recent memories until I started to hear the "voice" in my head. This was the beginning of a long journey to find out what and it truly was and meant.

Mid April 2016. The voice grew stronger, I saw the message on the wall. The Rapture was near. All I could remember was watching the Sponge Bob movie with Marr and seeing how it related to The Rapture and pointing it out to her, she did not see it but I did. Every night I was scared out of my mind, I could not sleep, I thought demons where going to attack me. I kept a Torah next to me, the Jewish bible, and then and only then was I able to fall asleep. Soon I drove my self to what some people would call insanity. But was it really? I found that creation through video games and technology is the next step of humanities evolution towards God like power. God created us in his image. God creates. Humans create. Therefore, we are acting like God and creating. We can eventually take the next step in our evolution and not be the one and only God (because it was the first) but we can be comparable to God and become Gods.

Late April 2016. I hurt Marr by saying that her day was Mars, the God of War. She sat crying and confused. What really confuses me to this day, is I tried talking to her with my mind and she said shortly after that she had a headache. But to carry on.....